

      Seth Ford-Young is a bassist, composer and singer based in Los Angeles. He has worked with a dazzling cross section of artists, from Tom Waits, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and Beats Antique to The Hot Club of San Francisco, Rocco DeLuca, and Sixto Rodriguez.
      Ford-Young started his musical adventures as the lead singer of punk band Initial Reaction, which played many classic punk clubs around Washington DC. While it might seem like a long journey from DC Hardcore to what he’s doing today, Ford-Young gleaned a tremendous amount of information about life on and off the bandstand during his punk days that he’s still drawing from today.

As a composer Seth has two albums and a film score under his name along with many collaborations and co-writing credits.His new project Phi-Psonics has signed to Gondwana Records and has released two LPs “The Cradle” and “Octava” with a third on the way. Other recent projects include; recordings and performances with Rocco DeLuca and Co-producing Gill Landry’s “Skeleton at the Banquet” album.

Artists Seth has performed live or in the studio with include; Tom Waits, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Rodriguez, Beats Antique, Barry Manilow, Dave Harrington, Takuro Okada, John Vanderslice, Rocco DeLuca, Gill Landry, Alexander, Crash, Letts, Sean Hayes, Eric McFadden, Sasha Dobson, The California Honeydrops, Mohsen Namjoo, and The Hot Club of San Francisco.

Film credits include;

Click bold for trailer

The Tiger and the Snow (2005) -Bass

Swing (2006) -Bass, Bass Coach

All is Lost (2013) -Bass

Bad Grampa.5 (2014) -Bass, co-composer

The Illusion (short) (2015) -Bass, arrangement

A Woman Like Me (2015) -Bass, arrangement

Coming Through the Rye (2015) -Bass, co-composer

Three Women (short) (2016) -Bass, co-composer

Mr. Church (2016) -Bass, co-composer

Hamlet in the Golden Vale (2018) -Composer, Producer, Orchestration, Bass, Synth


Television appearances include;

Click bold for video

-David Letterman-

with Edward Sharpe - "Man on Fire"(2012) and "Life is Hard"(2013)

with Crash - "Motion Animal"(2014)

-Conan O'Brien-

with Alexander - "Truth"(2011)

with Edward Sharpe - (2011) and "Better Days"(2013)

-Jimmy Kimmel-

with Edward Sharpe - (2012) , (2015)

-Austin City Limits-

with Edward Sharpe (2013)




2025-Phi-Psonics “Expanding to One(Gondwana Records)

2025-Takuro Okada “The Near End, The Dark Night, The County Line” (Temporal Drift)

2024-Pierro Perelli “Notte” (Stellare)

2024-Mighty Glad “Mighty Glad

2024-Phi-Psonics “Morning Sun/Arrival 12 inch(Gondwana Records)

2023-Phi-Psonics “Octava” (Gondwana Records)

2023-Doublestroke “Live @ Starry Plough 2007

2022-Phi-Psonics “The Cradle-Deluxe Edition(Gondwana Records)

2021-Jonathan Stout's Close Shave QuartetLive from the CA Balboa Classic

2020-Phi-Psonics “The Cradle(nightnote records)

2020-Eric McFadden “Starving at the Feast” (bad reputation)

2020-Gill Landry “Skeleton at the Banquet” (loose music)

2019-Jonathan Ng “The Sphynx”

2019-Seth ford-Young “Hamlet in the Golden Vale” (original motion picture soundtrack)

2019-moonie.moonie “coyote” EP

2019-Candy Jacket Jazz Band - “Unstuck in Time”

2018-Mia and Jonah “Spin as One” miaandjonah.com

2018-moonie.moonie “water” EP https://www.mooniemoonie.com/

2018-Peel’d “Mother Father Sister Brother” EP

2018-Luke Top “The Dumb Show” EP http://www.luketop.com/

2018-Muppet Babies Soundtrack -Disney Junior

2017-Keenan McKenzie - "Forged in Rhythm"

2017-Mike Mangione - "But I've Seen the Stars"

2017-Candy Jacket Jazz Band - "S/T"

2016-Luke Top - "Suspect Highs" http://www.luketop.com/

2016-Seth Ford-Young - "time memory beauty hope"

2016–Beats Antique – "Shadowbox" http://www.beatsantique.com/

2016-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros –"PersonA" http://www.edwardsharpeandthemagneticzeros.com/

2015-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros — “Live, in no particular order”

2014-Myles Boisen: Past-Present-Future² - “Abstractions and Blood Red Blues

2014-Barry Manilow – “My Dream Duets”

2014-Rocco DeLuca – “Rocco DeLuca” http://roccodeluca.com/

2013-Alexander — “All is Lost ” original score (golden globe winner) http://alexanderebert.com/

2013–Crash — “Hardly Criminal” http://www.crashdangdoodle.com/

2013-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros – “S/T” http://www.edwardsharpeandthemagneticzeros.com/

2012-The Tiger Lillies - "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

2012-Flaming Lips & Heady Fwends w/Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros - http://www.flaminglips.com/

2012-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros — "Here" http://www.edwardsharpeandthemagneticzeros.com/

2012–Beats Antique – "Contraption vol II" http://www.beatsantique.com/

2011-John Vanderslice w/ Magik*Magik Orchestra — "WhiteWilderness" http://www.johnvanderslice.com/

2011-Eric McFadden “Inside Out”

2011-Seth Ford-Young - "S/T"  http://www.portofrancorecords.com/

2010-The California Honeydrops “Spreadin’ Honey”

2010-Mark Growden – "Saint Judas" http://www.portofrancorecords.com/artists/mark-growden/

2010-Sean Hayes - “Run Wolves Run”  http://www.seanhayesmusic.com/

2010-Chris Grady - “On It”

2009-Tom Waits - “Glitter and Doom Live”   http://www.tomwaits.com/

2009-Tom Waits - live7″ from the Glitter and Doom tour   http://www.tomwaits.com/

2009-Beats Antique - “Contraption vol. 1”  http://www.beatsantique.com/

2009-Scott Pinkmountain and the Golden Bolts of Tone - ”The Full Sun” http://scottpinkmountain.com/

2009-Eric McFadden - ”Train to Salvation” ericmcfadden.com

2008-Beats Antique - ”Collide” http://www.beatsantique.com/

2008-Duo Gadjo - "Meet me in Paris"  http://www.duogadjo.com/

2008-Vermillion Lies – ”What’s in the Box?” vermillionlies.com

2008–Mia and Jonah - “Rooms for Adelaide” miaandjonah.com

2007–Eric McFadden - ”Let’s Die Together Forever” ericmcfadden.com

2007-Beats Antique - ”Tribal Derivations” http://www.beatsantique.com/

2006-Tom Waits - ”Orphans”
on the songs: ain’t goin’ down to the well, lord i’ve been changed, road to peace, tell it to me, fannin street, goodnight irene, danny says, jayne’s blue wish and young at heart.  http://www.tomwaits.com/

2006-Mia and Jonah - ”Hallelujah EP” miaandjonah.com

2006–Vermillion Lies - “Separated by Birth” vermillionlies.com

2005-Tom Waits - ”La Tigre e la Neve” soundtrack (Sony-BMG)

2005-Mia and Jonah - ”Shine I” miaandjonah.com

2004-Myles Boisen - ”Past, Pesent, Future”  mylesboisen.com

2003-Guerilla Hi-Fi - ”Redevelopment”  guerrillahifi.infoi

2003-Grippo - ”Circuits”  grippomusic.com

2002-Sasha Dobson - ”Songs for My Father” sashadobson.com

2001–Guerilla Hi-Fi - ”Echo Springs”  guerrillahifi.infoi





Check out Seth’s new project Phi-Psonics! 3rd Album “Expanding to One” available fro pre-order now on Vinyl, CD and digital. Listen/Buy Here





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